Welcome to nnnvGarden🌱

Hi, I'm nonaneva and welcome to my digital garden!
If this is your first time here, you may want to know what this site is. Short version is: This site is where I write to collect, think and share about anything (mostly for myself).

This is my first time running a site like this so I will try to improve as I figure things out.

Also, I use "nnnv" as a personal prefix (it looks cool)

📅 Blog

I periodically write about my days, current thoughts or favorite artworks here in my blog. I will then later collect them temporarily in the Seeds Storage and properly in their own page later.

All blog entries can be found here in chronological order: nnnvBlog🌳

Newest blog entries:

🎨 Art Project

I'm doing an original art project!
This is my first OC: Aprica - Remains of the World Tree

I will populate this welcome page with some categories as a starting recommendation

Under Construction

👇 Please don't mind this I'm slowly building this up!

0. Uncategorized

1. About this garden and writings about writing:

2. Art stuffs:

🕑 Gardening Logs:

Recently Tended to:

Name Last Tended
2024 Goals and Wishes 2024-02-09
Pinterest 2024-02-07
Learning in Public 2024-02-07
Seeds Storage 2024-02-07
2023-04-23🌱 2024-02-07
2023-03-26🌱 2024-02-07
2024-W03 (Jan-W3)📅 2024-02-07
2023-03-05🌱 2024-02-07
2023-02-26🌱 2024-02-07
hope and DREAM and magic - nnnv ➡ Hase 🌱 2024-02-07

Recently Planted

Name Planted
2024-W04 (Jan-W4)📅 2024-02-04
2024-W03 (Jan-W3)📅 2024-02-04
2024-W01 (Jan-W1)📅 2024-02-04
2024-W05 (Feb-W1)📅 2024-01-28
Notable things I've seen, watch or read in 2024🌱 2024-01-07
nnnv Working Tools 2024-01-07
nnnv Brush Mode Toggle 2024-01-07
Pinterest 2024-01-06
2024 Goals and Wishes 2023-12-31
2023 Review 2023-12-31

📫 Contact

Please send any recommendation or comment about anything you'd like to see on this garden to my email nnnv@nonaneva.com or in the comment section below ✪ ω ✪
