2023 Review

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4/6 goals checked off in 2023 Goals and Wishes 🌳 Not too bad!


(2023 End of Year Update: checked off some items and added some comments)

Should be concrete and achievable

  • ❌Output at least 1 complete artwork a month

    • I had missed some months because of 2 big commissions.
  • ✔️More physical exercises. Aim for 30 min a day!

    • it's not exactly 30 mins, but was very consistent.
  • ✔️until October, achieve an acceptable drawing skill and switch to painting and composition study

  • ❌Maintain online presence, share my thoughts more, comment on posts and artworks

    • I had a heated discussion about AI on FB in April and lost any will to maintain online presence
  • ✔️Maintain this garden! Does not need to fill with a lot of content, but keep it consistent! 1 update per week should be fine

    • I'd say this is still counted since I'm still not dropping this garden and still have plenty of interest in maintaining it.
  • ✔️Reducing time for Passive Input🌱, last 1 hours of each day and sunday are the only time I can do that.

  • Note to self: be aware of Goodhart's law

    • being concrete is good as a reference, but the measure of a concrete number is not what I should be ultimately aim for.


Published Works



Ok, onwards to 2024!
