2024 Goals and Wishes

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🖊 Last Updated:  2024-02-09T00:00:00.000+07:00
prev:: 2023 Goals and Wishes 🌳


Should be concrete, measurable and achievable.

Goal Details
Pump out more small artworks focusing on my technical skills and traditional illustration skill, especially posing and perspective -> it means less graphic design and flat composition. Ideally 1 small artwork per month, while still working on commissions.
Finish a small OC project. end of december, a collection with at least 4 artworks
Improve health maintain the 30 min exercises everyday, increase intensity by the end of the year.
Maintain online presence (failed goals from last year). Try to share, comment or post something every week! FB, Twitter or even Instagram, anywhere is fine
Maintain the garden put out at least 1 new non-log post per month.
Practice consistently, slowly but more thoughtful I should have at least 1 full practice sheet for each month and post it here on the weekly log!

⭐Reminder: be aware of Goodhart's Law


Can be vague, mostly for motivation.


list of things that would be nice to check off but not obligated.
