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parent:: nnnvBlog🌳
prev:: 2023-02-01🌱
next:: 2023-02-12🌱

I want to update every sunday ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

((I'll publish the uncreated pages when there are more post linked to them))

Work and Art

Doing commission

  • I'm training to overcome one of the cause of my Garden/Roadblock while drawing: facing Unbeauty🌱
    • I'm feeling physically uneasy and I don't want to continue when I see the unfinished state, sketchiness, muddy colors, etc. in the current state of the painting.
  • Things are going well for one of the commission. It's in the early phase of color sketch, which is my favorite part of the process. I'm expecting a major drop in enjoyment once I have to move on the detailing phase, causing a massive drop in productivity. (Low enjoyment is also a Roadblock🌱 )
    • I suspect that it's not the low enjoyment that's the cause of the roadblock, but rather a sudden drop in enjoyment. That massive unbalance is the primary cause.
    • Going forward I need to factor this in my expectation for the process.

Fun stuffs in this past week (W06-2023)
