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I want to update every sunday ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
((I'll publish the uncreated pages when there are more post linked to them))
Work and Art
Doing commission
- I'm training to overcome one of the cause of my Garden/Roadblock while drawing: facing Unbeauty🌱
- I'm feeling physically uneasy and I don't want to continue when I see the unfinished state, sketchiness, muddy colors, etc. in the current state of the painting.
- Things are going well for one of the commission. It's in the early phase of color sketch, which is my favorite part of the process. I'm expecting a major drop in enjoyment once I have to move on the detailing phase, causing a massive drop in productivity. (Low enjoyment is also a Roadblock🌱 )
- I suspect that it's not the low enjoyment that's the cause of the roadblock, but rather a sudden drop in enjoyment. That massive unbalance is the primary cause.
- Going forward I need to factor this in my expectation for the process.
- I just stumbled upon StrokesPlus, a wonderful software and Input Tool 🌱 that let you use mouse gesture for keyboard shortcut (and many more function)
- I ran out of key so this is a godsend
- for now I use them to run actions to create new adjustment layers and layers with blending modes
- it's easier to remember than keyboard shortcut (drawing O for Overlay, S for Screen, etc)
- faster than Quick Access and auto action panel. for things like Lighten and Darken Layer which I really should utilize more.
- maybe I need to write a page for Garden/Blending Modes
- (to be expanded) each assisting input tool I use (single key shortcut, combo shortcut, CSP quick access, programmable dial, footpedal and now strokesplus), they all have different speed to access. They need to be linked to the appropriate function
- some functions can be damaging if it can be accessed too easily (undo, merge, etc. )
- Mismatch of function and input tool🌱
- the most obvious example is a core brush that is not bound to a key close to dominant hand
- opposed to that is a situational tool but bound to a fast access key. (wasting space and losing the muscle memory, in some case overusing a tool)
- I used to bind Canvas Flip to a fast key, and I didn't develop the ability to draw head facing right. Even now left-facing heads are easier for me and often looks better
- To be added (there are more example I can't recall right now)
Fun stuffs in this past week (W06-2023)
- Contingency Contract 10 was really hard. After trying for several hours and always failing at the couple final enemies, I decided to use the guide by Blemichi and stall with defenders orz.