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📅 Created Date: February 26, 2023

Work & Art

Doing commission

  • Good progress, some fun rendering time and some difficult graphic design time.
  • I can see the end in sight!


    • Suisei fanart, been enjoying her music recently
    • hand study, I'm starting to see the strong relation of constructive and gesture drawing
      • without construction, it's really hard to visualize the position of any given curves in space
      • without gesture, it turns into blocky, stiff and unappealing shape
      • the point is to draw gestural curve but still aware of its nearest constructive equivalent.
    • this week's Abstract Scribble🌱
    • the green part is a new discovery for me! Turns out rounded losange shape and low density (flow in photoshop) can create that kind of pleasing gradual falloff. I used ellipse shape before.
    • from that line of thinking, I also discovered that star shape produces a much stronger falloff. Potentially useful for lighting "laser" effect
    • This might deserve its own page: Gradation effect of brush shape with low density🌱

Inspiring stuffs

Random stuffs

Favorite Art of the week
