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parent:: nnnvBlog🌳
prev:: 2023-02-26🌱
next:: 2023-03-12🌱

Intense week. Lots of focused session, both in work and practice.

Work & Art

Doing commission

  • Almost finish another 2 commissions
  • Facing heaps of challenges and able to pull through
    • the challenge of Unbeauty🌱 is there, but I'm not as helpless as before, being able to stop drawing, reviewing possible problems, speculating possible solution and a lot of trial and error after that
    • the solution might not be perfect but not giving up is a big achievement to me


I CAN DRAW HANDS!!!! I'm so glad all those practice sessions did pay off!

Practice Review

Random stuffs

I need a better structure for the blog entry, "random stuffs" is non-descriptive and so useless!!! Maybe I just name a new heading based on the content of that week, doesnt have to be a fixed category.

Favorite Art of the Week
