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parent:: nnnvBlog🌳
prev:: 2023-03-26🌱
next:: 2023-04-09🌱

My mind is filled with anxiety as the week coming to an end. I planned to write some artwork review today but my anxiety for the near future made me want to spend some time resting.

Work and Art


  • I opened this commission batch around this time last year. That's a long time. I'm working on the last one of that batch now. This should be the most ambitious, most challenging commission (or artwork in general) I've ever done. The sketching and design phase is coming to an end, I'm kinda worried if I can render it well.
  • Should be done by the end of this month.
  • I hope I will finish fast enough so I don't prolong it for so long that I don't know if it's even good anymore Losing my self-assessment ability after working on an artwork for a long time🌱


Mlynar because he came home in the first 10-roll

My OC Purreaux in a lolita(?) dress (the eye in my profile picture is theirs)

Abstract Scribble One-edge brush test. Mostly from DAUB Spatula set and 1 homebrew. I don't know how to explain the effect. If I use it to parallel hatch, it can produce a dither look that has wildly contrasting edges next to each other. Synergize well with the flat soft edge brush that I tested in 2023-02-26🌱

Drawing Study Review

Chaos vs Order in Art Workflow

Balance writing and art


Minami's new EP LOSE LOOSE DAY

Bleach Animation MV with Kitani Tatsuya's Eien

Favorite Art of the Week
