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parent:: nnnvBlog🌳
prev:: 2023-04-02🌱
next:: 2023-04-16🌱

I wrote a lot this week in a debate about AI on Facebook so for this entry I don't want to write too much. I do plan to collect, organize and rewrite those debate in a proper format in English, but I guess it would have to change a lot depending on the climate surrounding AI. (Writing is really exhausting but I did learn a lot from the opposite party)

Work and Art


Officially enter rendering phase. The next few weeks should be challenging! This still is one of my least favorite part of the process


Random Girl to test my newly gained understanding of plane change.

Drawing Study Review

Writing and Confrontation

I wrote almost 10k words this week in a debate on AI and ethics. I'm really scared of confrontation but I felt like I had to say something.

Blue Lock

I'm glad I don't know anything about Football because I really enjoy Blue Lock for its numerous insight on learning and improvements (things about luck, voicing your goal, modularity of skills, flow state, etc.). I might have to make a whole page about Blue Lock insights. They are of course things that could be learned in many other books but I think it's really effective when presented in a narrative structure like this

Favorite Art of the Week
