parent:: nnnvBlog🌳
prev:: 2023-04-30🌱
As I said last week, this week and the next few weeks won't have much content.
Work and Art
Working on Commission
- I'm getting more proficient in knowing when to split and when to merge layer. I should be able to handle more complex scenes if I polish this skill more.
- However progress is still slow because the switch between layers panel and drawing canvas is seriously interrupting.
Favorite Art of the Week
- NoriZC's Arknights CN 4th Anni artwork
- Some details I like:
- The use of grain/texture brush as soft edge.
- Rube Goldberg machinery combined with Rhine Lab imagery.
- I wish I'm more up-to-date with Arknights story. There are some imagery I don't understand
- I really like the warm hot color scheme with the space imagery. I normally see space with cool or neutral color.
- Some details I like: