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prev:: 2023-08-21🌱
next:: 2023-09-03🌱
Good week. I'm moving on to another commission.
Work and Art
I'm designing another Vtuber! This is quite a challenging one, but in a way that I didn't expect. The challenge here is to not use too many details, and keep it simple.
- thanks to sangsilnoh, I have a better understanding of line economy and how to imagine the direction of the head and neck. For the longest time I was struggling with attaching the head to the torso. The way the trapezius twist and turn was too hard for me to visualize.
Reviewing the shortcomings of the previous commission batch
Now most of this commission "batch" (lasting more than 1 year) is done. I need to rethink my strategy because I want to draw my own things too.
I draw faster now but in retrospect, my slow pace mostly come from the paralysis while facing hard and new problems.
- this may be the consequence of trying too many new thing while lacking skills? The downside of staying out of the comfort zone🌱 ?
- This relates to the concept of comprehensible input in language learning. It's much easier to learn new words in an understandable context (having new and learned words in the same sentence, or knowing the context beforehand when watching anime I've already watched, etc.)
Favorite Art of the week
- The animation sequences in the Arknights Ambience Synesthesia 2023, especially the ones with Irene, Roberta, Horn and Lumen in it.
- The designs work so well in 3D. I really like the Irene laser sequence and Lumen solving puzzle.