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parent:: nnnvBlog🌳
prev:: 2023-08-28🌱
next:: 2023-09-10🌱

Now that I'm starting a new commission batch soon, I will be extremely careful with my schedule, I need to leave some time for my personal artwork too. I've been starving my creative desire for far too long! The goal is to make something like Remains of the World tree🌱 again!

Work and Art


Like I said some weeks ago, I just started a Vtuber Commission, and I will do my best to finish it in 2 months!

Fear of regressing

As I practice more and gain more knowledge, there were many times that I forgot old knowledges or lost some muscle memory. For example, I just finish reviewing some anatomy items and get back to sketching, I realize that suddenly I don't know how to make appealing line and shape anymore.

I vaguely know that it could return with more drawing but what if it does not? I saw many artists losing their touch before, what if I will also be like that? This is one of my biggest fear as an artist.

Touching grass

Last week I went to a local artist convention. It's been quite a while since I last saw so many people at once. It was fun talking with friends. REDUM, Hanabushi and komugiko were there too! It's a pity that I was too shy to approach their booth.

Favorite Art of the week

Recently to focus more on my art, I don't really use SNS to find inspiration anymore so this section will be kinda dry for the time being.
