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prev:: 2023-09-03🌱
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I just published my OC info for a new project here: Aprica - Remains of the World Tree

Work and Art


I started working on another commission for a friend. I think I can handle 2 commissions along with 1 personal art at the same time. Let's see how it goes. Previous batch I worked on 3 comm at the same time and it got awry fast.

The super time consuming commission I've been talking about is now online!!! I'm pretty proud of it.
I'll reserve a page here for future review Garden/FUMBLED - nnnv âž¡ Nyphielia

Sketch and Study

  • art trade (WIP) with a friend on Twitter (@iwis0). The original design is really cool and I'm designing an outfit based on it.

  • I need to switch to other types of study soon. Pose and human body is getting boring and I'm feeling diminishing return

  • I'm slowly completing my basic anatomy plan (learning the general shape and position of everything, I'm 70% there). The area around the buttocks that connect to the nether region is supppperrrr hard, my brain freeze when trying to visualize that in different angle. There is a disconnection between front and back view🌱 that I can't seem to grasp.

Meditation actually works

I know I'm sounding like a lifestyle guru but Mindfulness Meditation helped me with distraction. Like I still distract a lot, but I can recognize what I'm doing.

At first I just do the "accept your distraction and slowly pull your attention back" only while I'm meditating. But later I realize that it could be applied while I'm not meditating too.

Favorite Art of the Week
