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parent:: nnnvBlog๐ŸŒณ
prev:: 2023-10-08๐ŸŒฑ
next:: 2023-12๐Ÿ“…
๐Ÿ–Š Last Updated: ย 2023-12-13

There were too many things going on and new habits to learn so I forgot to note down stuffs in here.
I will try to restart that habit in the next week!

Work and Art


Commissions are getting a bit boring now.

I just start streaming again! Drawing alone can get boring sometimes so I'm planning to stream 1-2 a week as a refreshing activity.

Personal Art

It's going nowhere for the time being, but in these past 2 weeks it's actually better for my mental health that way. For the longest time I tried to squeeze in a study/sketching session before work but it stressed me out greatly and in turn derail my commission schedule. I don't know if I got ADHD but some symptoms just check out, like I can't switch tasks easily. I will find another way forward because I do want to improve by doing more study!


from now on, random topics will be grouped in this new section for cleaner organization

Good things

Not so good things

Favorite Art of the Week
