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List of ideas I'd like to expand and write later

Blending Modes and Adjustment Layers are not highly compatible with Chaotic Painting Workflow

Predictability, Expandability, Editability

macro rendering

giving a goal to a practice

Friction in applying new tools and workflow

wakeful rest as an example for using own terms

importance of example
abstractness of tacit knowledge

not everything should have an immediate purpose, but I should be thinking why I am doing a specific activity.

living in a typical east asian culture so humbleness is ingrained, so the notion of "I'm still bad" is like a default state, more cultural and less directly felt from the the bottom of my heart.
But I can realize it much more strongly now. I can feel that I'm bad, not because of seeing people better than me, but because I can more objectively see where I am versus where I want to be.

alternative Color behaviour
written form does imply a certain way to learn: people read, understand and absorb. Learning in general doesn't quite work like that. I generally don't just read and understand or absorb right away, that's a big leap. So there should be some kind of process to make the best out of what you consume[is_public]=true
tool maker and tool user


related: divergent vs convergent thinking

Does knowing more about meta learning lead to better learning?

Not necessary.
One big part of the drawing journey (I would say 70-80%) is tacit/procedural knowledge rather than explicit/codified knowledge.
There are part
I think most of my art knowledges come from observing and analyzing artworks from others rather than reading about it. <- not true after I took some time to think about it, the relationship of explicit-tacit is more complicated than I thought.
I don't know how to share that process effectively without infringing on other people art. Maybe use public domain traditional art? I did learn a lot from there too.

so to effectively transmit drawing knowledge
reading Basic description of the knowledge/technique
seeing example of the techniques (people in the past learn in studio/workshop with master or people better than them)

actually try to understand and apply that knowledge inconjunction with your existing knowledge. (best)

I'm very interested in the process of learning art (meta learning) but I treat it as something separate from my own artistic development.
Purely because I want to be helpful whenever someone ask me something.

Some art resources that I've taken before that I found really useful

I think I will just use his terminology here for easy reference,

Anatomy and figure drawings:

I used many anatomy books and resources for cross-referencing. This is my weakest domain so I spend a lot on time on it with many resources. Other domains like color, composition, design (not graphic design) I can just improve by drawing and using Active Inspiration🌱 (looking at favorite artworks and analyze)


Alla Prima 2

James Gurney blogs and books

Devin Korwin Creative Fundamentals 1 + 2

Krenz rotate gumroad

How to Draw Scott Robertson

DrawABox but only the line training and ghosting part

Vietnamese Course:

Solid Drawing

1 related skill is 3 views visualization
I did practice some form of this skill when I was an intern at a local toy company. I also practiced that skill when I drew the model sheet for Kisaki Tencha.
Recently I've been using this skill more and more when I study anatomy.

Solid Drawing🌱
foreshortening stroke

weakness of the fine line clip studio paint
THings always break when it comes to new thing orz

Treat fanwork like personal project

My role model for fanwork is REI and NoriZC
NoriZC's Touhou fanbook and REI's Nitocris fanbook are among my favorite artbooks.

expertise in pattern matching

Info hazard

Latent space

as much as I hate the current AI ecosystem, I have to admit that there are many things to be learned by reading through the concept of generative (imitative?) AI.
One of those things is latent space
I think the "latent space" that human navigate is fundamentally different and bigger than AI. It's not just visual but other senses, and whatever emotion is.

using own words

Weakness of verbal communication

verbal vs visual communication

prestigious ideation, complex concept asking why artist should follow that, mundane exploration
related to tacit vs explicit knowledge

My preference in generative, procedural art

some preface first.
Generative or Procedural Art doesn't just mean Creative Coding, but it can simply you laid out a rule, and follow it, an example I really like is here: (TBA)
By my definition, non-generative art can be called "mark-making art". You use a tool, any tool to create a mark on a "canvas" with hand-eye coordination skill. Drawing on sand, lithography, using flame mark on a paper, etc. are all mark-making art. In popular digital art softwares, you do mark-making by using stamp-based tools (aka brushes).

Some special cases: splattering, pouring paints, or digital randomized spraying brushes. Can those be called mark-making tools? In my view, those tools has a lower "Predictability" (or Controllability) compared to traditional mark-making process, but higher Predictability than

Adjustment Layer is a way to make procedural change too:

Friction vs Ease of Access

Binary Confusion

I couldn't quickly recognize when something is split into two possible state (kinda hard to explain)

for the longest time in my childhood, I couldn't make a clear distinction between left right

kasu (lend out) and kariru (borrow)

Attention to details and observation skill

I lack both of these. I do think I kinda have weak visualization skill too, not aphantasia but close to it.
