Uncategorized Art Pondering

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some thoughts about art that don't deserve its own page yet

Tapering vs non-Tapering

💬 mentioned in 2023-03-26🌱
thinking about non-tapering vs tapering brushes

Texture brushes

💬 mentioned in 2023-03-19🌱

Art style development

💬 mentioned in 2023-03-19🌱

💬 mentioned in 2023-03-12🌱

Art challenges

💬 mentioned in 2023-02-06🌱

Symbol drawing

💬 mentioned in 2023-03-05🌱

Non-verbal communication

💬 mentioned in 2023-04-23🌱
(I've been thinking a lot about visual communication. It is related to my thoughts about Tacit vs Explicit Knowledge 🌱)

Since humans don't have telepathy, the most direct way we could communicate is through language and words. If I want to discuss with someone about visual communication, I would have to use verbal communication, which in many cases would be a lossy translation, either because the idea is hard to put in words, or my language skill is not sufficient.

When I work by myself, I can address a specific feeling or vague concept by just thinking about it, and all idea synthesis would happen in my head. This is not possible in a group setting or any environments involving more than 1 person (education, teamwork or blogpost like this one).

Maybe it's (one of) the reason that in such artist communities (not general audience), people tend to value whoever can properly explain their workflow (A) more than people who can't (B). I don't mean A is better than B. but A is valued more because it's easier to logically appreciate the work and thinking process of A more than B.


💬 mentioned in 2023-08-21🌱
